Monday, March 14, 2011

Facebook Intifada

This page calling for death of Jews has

And this one only
Please report them both for abuse!

The Truth About My Business Website and Why It Lacks Bells, Whistles and Wheels

Almost 5 years ago I got divorced. My marriage was a dysfunctional one and the relationship was abusive. I decided to return to Israel with the 3 kids but I mistakenly left one behind to finish out the school year. When he finally joined us several months later he was angry at me for leaving him behind. Unbeknownst to me, I was also sick with thyroid poisoning. We had a tumultuous two weeks and then he went and stayed with "friends". I never got him back.

Enter social services. My child spent 4 years bouncing around two foster homes - both friends of his father's. I don't know what went on there so much except for two things - the child stole from me when he visited and the first family knew about it and did nothing. The second family had a slightly more positive influence, but my son was a teen with high energy and couldn't have been easy. About 7 months before his 18th birthday he decided to sue social services for emancipation.

Now, between all the foster care issues social services had been torturing me personally for three years. When I got divorced I also had PTSD and couldn't sleep at night. I tried to take courses to learn digital photography including Photoshop, but when I needed help with money for the second course, none was forthcoming. In addition, my previous social worker was a decent person and had wanted to help me in her own confused way and she had written out that I needed photography equipment including lighting and background, and to take another more advanced course in digital editing. The new social worker was on a warpath to destroy my life. I doubt she even looked at what the previous social worker wrote.  She flat out told me she would never help me and even threatened the employment placement person in her office.

Foward to 2009 when an acquaintance of mine offered to partner in the business with me and said he would build the website as long as I agreed to do all the billing and legwork. That was fine with me. I was struggling for months to build a website and was having problems because I didn't understand the platform.  By Spring 2010 I figured out that he never intended to do anything except to bed me and I dumped him when I realized I would have to take charity for Passover.

Forward to June 2010 when my son sued social services and the State of Israel for emancipation. At this point they had tried and failed to take my other three children including my 6 month old infant. When my son won his independence he also won me my freedom. Without his foster care file, these people had no right to invade my life or my children's lives any longer without reasonable cause (read: complaint).

There are many charity funds, loans and grants for needy women who want to start businesses in Israel. However, in order to gain access to any of them, the woman has to subject herself to an interview wiith - get it - social services and get their recommendation. When I asked for a recommendation for a particular fund, the 4th and last social worker tried to use it as a way to get back into my house and conditioned the recommendation on a home visit.

Now, I have no idea what starting a business and a home visit have to do with one another - unless of course, you need help with social services.

I said no. Flat out no. I never felt so good about saying no to anyone else in my entire life. I knew that I would be giving these disgusting leftist degenerates a lease on my entire life if I agreed.

In the meantime, a friend offered to help and put up money for some parts of a website including hosting and a good commercial logo. He asked someone to build me a site but when the man found out I have no money and that the person was just helping me, he got less and less helpful and in the end I was again left with no website.

For now, I have built a website. It's not beautiful. Not all the photos are on the products and much of the additional info needs editing.  But the products and prices are there and I work on it to improve it as much as I can. My toddler doesn't always cooperate. She's at home and wants attention and that's fine with me. I love her.

But, in the meantime I have a somewhat unprofessional glop and I really feel badly about it.  But, on the other hand, I know I am no longer a pushover and I own my own life.

Why did I write about this?

Because, if anyone wants to know the name of the evil confronting us it is communism being pushed on us by our governments and their offices including social services and specifically, the Child Protective Services racket.

What kind of evil people refuse to help a single mother get a grant that will help her build a business and lead an independent life without need for public support? Communists.

What kind of people try to enter our homes and run our lives without just cause? Communists.

What kind of people take children from their parents and put them in dormitories in subhuman conditions and brainwash them into believing their parents hate them and don't want to see them? Communists.

This is the face of evil that we all face in every Western country across the globe.

However, in Israel there is a particular evil that coats over even the communism. The social-whacko communist racket of Israel specifically targets immigrants who are English speaking. In the 1950's it was the Yemenite and sometimes Moroccan (Sephardic) women they stole babies from to sell to rich German-Polish (Ashkenazi) families and kibbutzes.

The new modern social whackos are targeting immigrant single mothers and divorcees from English speaking countries. And they specifically look for women whose ex husbands either abused them and don't pay child support or whose ex-husbands aren't in Israel. And if a woman hits all three criteria then the local social services office is screaming "JACKPOT!" at the top of their lungs to a whopping 7,900 NIS that their office gets for each of the children they manage to swipe out of the home and place in foster care and 14,900 NIS for each child they place in a dormitory.

Our children have become the modern currency for social whacking winos who get drunk with their power to rule our lives by tyrrany. I have several friends who have yet to extricate themselves from the clutches of these venemous octopuses.  I feel deep empathy for every one of these women and children who suffer daily from the terror that they can wake up to a 3 AM knocking and banging on the door and open it to have their children stolen from their homes for no greater crime than that they are divorced and wanted to live in the Jewish homeland. 

This article is by no means meant to belittle the sufferings of fathers who also suffer at the fists (literally) of these Nazi-bitch commies who also prevent them from seeing their children on the basis of false accusations brought by their ex wives during divorce proceedings. One of these men went to a strike rally last week and the social whackos saw fit to attack him with their fists and heels for the sin of being a man willing to speak up against abuse and ask the State of Israel to not give these moral degenerates wage raises.

So, if you follow a link to my website, - I know the site is not 100%, I am working on it. I desperately need your business to support my family and I thank you for taking the time to read this blog entry.

HOW can you change things?
Please, take the time to help a parent being tortured by social services.  If you are in the US join Child Advocates or give the parent a listening ear. Very few parents - even those targeted by social services - really commit child abuse. Most are mistaken or need help developing parenting skills. Some of us are even recovering from abuse or physical illnesses.

In Israel, though, actual child abuse is very very rare among Jews, though not absent. Unfortunately, many times a neighbor or another interested party will make false reports to settle a grudge.

If you are giving money to Israeli charity then make sure you are not subsidizing government kidnapping. Many of the dormitories in Israel are funded in large part by the social whacko racket, and/or by Christian missionaries, such as Neveh Michael in Pardes Hanna. When you give money to charities that claim to help Israelis start businesses, investigate what criteria they use. Know that when a charity requires a recommendation from a social worker, that that social worker can in turn use that family's children as a weapon of blackmail. There have been cases in which mothers have been threatened even to leave their husbands or else lose all their children. There is no end to the evil and cunningness pervading these offices.

Complain to the Prime Minister's office and the Treasury that they give too many sweeping powers to social workers that are in turn used to punish - not help - parents.

In another case that took place in December 2008, a widower with 8 children whose wife had just died of cancer had all of his children confiscated from him because he had to move to a smaller apartment as he could no longer afford the rent without his wife to help take care of the kids, with the hours he had to take from work to care for them properly. The man needed a negligible amount of money less than 2000 NIS to get an "appropriate" living space. Remember: each child placed in a foster family is worth 7900 NIS and each child in a dormitory is worth 14900. That's between 8 X 7900 and 8 X 14900 for that local office's budget every month.  And on top of that, these children now have lost BOTH their mother and their father to a disgusting cannibalistic system that treats parents like cannon fodder to be wrecked instead of human beings to support; and treats their children as diamonds and gold that can be traded at will, instead of babes who need love, guidance and nurturing from the people who gave birth to them and love them most.

We need your help to fight this vile system. You need to fight it where you live too. If you don't, it could happen to you or someone you love as well.

For more information about the Child Protection racket see the following websites:

Forced Adoption in England  The cases are now bogging the Hague International Court in thousands of files

They Do It In the US Too

The Communist Manifesto at Work - Dialectic of Sex  - the Nazi-Feminist Plan to Destroy the Family

Eliel Tessler - the British tried to kidnap him from Israel by claiming he was kidnapped from his dead father. They tried to pretend the child wasn't Jewish.

(A slightly related footnote - my partner helps me make business decisions on the site and keeps me focused. He helps me with graphic work and more. He's not absent. But as he's  not the father of all four children, I don't see it as his responsibility to dig me out of the entire deep.)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Woh! The Global Union of Numbskulls has already managed to ignore the murder of 5 Israelis yesterday  and simultaneously condemn Israel for approving 500 new units and it's still Sunday - not even a work day!  The dirt on the graves hasn't even settled and the UN has already thrown the Kleenex to the dustbin.

These immoral excuses for world leaders are working overtime to fault Israel and it's about the only job they manage to do well.

Their reasoning: "New settlement building is not conducive to peace" - but I suppose Arab muslim terrorists climbing into sleeping people's houses and cutting babies' throats with knives in the middle of the night is a great peace offering - oh wait, the victims were Jewish? Oh, so of course - that's great for peace!

Israel needs to tell these ninnies to go jump in a lake. Then we need to carpet bomb the Gaza strip and every other stronghold of terror. While we're up there, we should pop over to the Sunni triangle and teach Obama how people really win wars against Muslim terrorists!

The Dialectics of Feminist-Communism

Question: What's the difference between a doberman pinscher and a social worker? 
Answer: You can get your kid back from the doberman 

The Social Workers Union Continues its strike and is today in Hadera blithering away about their "low wages" and "subhuman" living standard.

Well, I hope they never go back to work.

The government employed red-shirted citizen-fleecing parent-robbing abused-woman-kicking social workers of Israel are about the lowest vermin on the totem pole and stand together with the Arab Terrorists.

They are the spiritual watersheds of such bright stars as Shulamith Firestone, the founder of the radical feminist movement who echoed Karl Marx's plans to take all babies away from their mothers and place them in state homes. This woman also wanted to mutilate and force sterilize all women and make babies by cyrogenics. A real human headjob.

Why do I say this? Because while Terrorists kill our bodies, these Social-ists kill our souls. They encourage women to divorce their husbands and then they prey on these same women, declaring them unfit mothers and taking their children away to communes ("Dormitories") after diagnosing them with all kinds of "mental disorders". Their crimes go on forever and merit their own blog.

I dealt with these filthy pigeons for 5 years while I had PTSD from an abusive marriage. They never did one thing to help me, and in fact tried to get me diagnosed with some severe mental illness and I refused to cooperate. They also forbade the employment placement worker in their office from helping me and refused me even a letter so I could get a business grant to start a small website.

I say we send these women off to Baghdad with their brothers in spirit, the Hamas and PLO. Good riddance to all of you! We people who love Israel won't miss you one bit!

The Fogels Aren't Even Buried Yet and the Arab World Celebrates

More Daisies and Kisses to Us, the Stupid Jews, who Accepted the Lies of Oslo and Madrid and Camp David and Wy!

Shame on Us!

"Palestinians" Pass Out Candy and Celebrate While Jewish Orphans Cry for Their Siblings and Parents! (see

We have no reason to keep the Oslo agreements when the peaceful gestures of Israelis are not reciprocated and we have no reason to not kick these ragheads and diaperhatted degenerates out of our lands.  They are polluting our Holy Lands with their filthy idol worship of death and their disgusting mosques.  They ALL need to go - go back to Iraq and to Egypt and to the Arabian Penninsula where they all came from in the 1920's and 1930's when the British teabag brains brought them here to undo Jewish immigration.

Filth and sin!!! 

If the government doesn't want Jews to take the law into their own hands then they ought to start protecting the Jews. It's called TZVA HAGANA L'YISRAEL Not YISHMA'EL!
Some facts the Israeli gov't wishes us to ignore: 
  • Arabs commit 70% of overall crime in Israel, and YOSH. When they are released from prison, they commit more crime.. 
  • 99% of stolen cars are stolen by Arabs and taken to chop shops in Yehuda, Samaria, and Gaza..
  • Arabs take out from National Insurance (Israeli Social Security) over 50% of the monies including disabilities and welfare and put back only 2%. 
  • Arabs owe Bezeq, Orange, CellCom and the Electric and water companies over 200 Million shekels each annually, yet they are still supplied services - and guess who pays for THAT? 
  • We, the Jewish people, are tired of being robbed and fleeced by Arabs and then stabbed by them for dessert!
Islam is a religion of pieces. It was designed to rationalize all the abhorrent behaviors that from the dawn of time all other civilized men and societies have condemned - or learned to condemn - and strived to curtail: pedophilia, murder, rape, brutality, domestic abuse, theft and idol worship. Islam is not a monotheistic religion. It ceased being that the moment the first Imam announced that Allah would kill the G-d of the Jews.  

To worship death is paganism. Arab and Islamic Terrorists worship death. They are pagans and have no right to live next to G-d-fearing peaceful citizens of the earth.

I am sick of living among these "Palestinian" satanic pedophilic idol worshipping heathen who get a free pass from the world by calling themselves refugees.

My Zaydie was a refugee. He LEGALLY migrated to the US where he eventually worked as an intelligence officer in Fort Bragg during the Cold War and later retired with honor and opened himself a barber shop in LA, where he worked until he died at the age of 71.

Just because your father or grandfather or mother or whoever was a refugee does not give you a free pass to become the scum of the earth! And certainly not while American and Israeli Taxpayers are footing the bills!

Feel the Love: More Daisies and Kisses from our Pieces Partners

On Saturday, March 12, 2011 CE  Terrorists invaded a home in the small, quiet, pastoral community of Itamar and murdered five family members including a newborn infant.

The recipients of peaceful love by our Ishmaelite cousins and 'partners for pieces' were: Rabbi Udi Fogel, his wife Ruth, his son Yoav (11 yrs old), his son Elad (4 yrs old) and his newborn infant Hadas (3 months old).

The murdered victims were discovered by 12 yr old Tamar when she returned from a youth group event.. Surviving the peace package are children: Tamar (12 yrs old), Ro'ie (8 yrs old) and Shai (2 yrs old).

Daisies and Kisses from the Arabs to the Jews.

The leftist dream come true.

This is What Recipients of Daisies and Kisses from Arab Terrorists Look Like: Warning: Graphic Violence Committed by Arab Muslim Terrorists Shown on Link

Enough is enough. I don't hear anyone in the world crying out for the blood of dead Jewish children the way they howl when Israel builds one house for Jews in Jerusalem.