Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Dialectics of Feminist-Communism

Question: What's the difference between a doberman pinscher and a social worker? 
Answer: You can get your kid back from the doberman 

The Social Workers Union Continues its strike and is today in Hadera blithering away about their "low wages" and "subhuman" living standard.

Well, I hope they never go back to work.

The government employed red-shirted citizen-fleecing parent-robbing abused-woman-kicking social workers of Israel are about the lowest vermin on the totem pole and stand together with the Arab Terrorists.

They are the spiritual watersheds of such bright stars as Shulamith Firestone, the founder of the radical feminist movement who echoed Karl Marx's plans to take all babies away from their mothers and place them in state homes. This woman also wanted to mutilate and force sterilize all women and make babies by cyrogenics. A real human headjob.

Why do I say this? Because while Terrorists kill our bodies, these Social-ists kill our souls. They encourage women to divorce their husbands and then they prey on these same women, declaring them unfit mothers and taking their children away to communes ("Dormitories") after diagnosing them with all kinds of "mental disorders". Their crimes go on forever and merit their own blog.

I dealt with these filthy pigeons for 5 years while I had PTSD from an abusive marriage. They never did one thing to help me, and in fact tried to get me diagnosed with some severe mental illness and I refused to cooperate. They also forbade the employment placement worker in their office from helping me and refused me even a letter so I could get a business grant to start a small website.

I say we send these women off to Baghdad with their brothers in spirit, the Hamas and PLO. Good riddance to all of you! We people who love Israel won't miss you one bit!

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