Sunday, March 13, 2011


Woh! The Global Union of Numbskulls has already managed to ignore the murder of 5 Israelis yesterday  and simultaneously condemn Israel for approving 500 new units and it's still Sunday - not even a work day!  The dirt on the graves hasn't even settled and the UN has already thrown the Kleenex to the dustbin.

These immoral excuses for world leaders are working overtime to fault Israel and it's about the only job they manage to do well.

Their reasoning: "New settlement building is not conducive to peace" - but I suppose Arab muslim terrorists climbing into sleeping people's houses and cutting babies' throats with knives in the middle of the night is a great peace offering - oh wait, the victims were Jewish? Oh, so of course - that's great for peace!

Israel needs to tell these ninnies to go jump in a lake. Then we need to carpet bomb the Gaza strip and every other stronghold of terror. While we're up there, we should pop over to the Sunni triangle and teach Obama how people really win wars against Muslim terrorists!

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